School Bus

Excellente nouvelle !!!

L’ école Buddha’s Smile School de Bénarès (Inde) a pris livraison ce 3 août de son nouveau school-bus! La concrétisation de plus de deux années de collecte de fonds par l’équipe d’Human Y Terre Mouvaux : soit 15000 euros pour ce don qui permet aux enfants des bidonvilles d’être acheminés en sécurité vers l’école BSS more…

Thank you to special friends in Europe!

Buddha’s Smile School has a new YELLOW school bus, thanks to it’s many friends in Mouvaux, France and the Netherlands. Thanks to Patrizia de Chiara, Do Radius and all our friends at the French NGO Humanyterre in Mouvaux who raised 15000 Euros through their membership, and with gifts from ISE corporation and many artists and more…

Thank you Geir & Etne, Norway

Geir, we want to thank you and your family, all the children and adults from Etne including the newspaper Grannar and Etne Sparebank who donated NOK 15,000. What you have accomplished has made a huge and highly significant difference and I wish you could have been in Sarnath yourself to see the happy smiling faces and the magnificent Tata Bus your funding has made possible.