
BSS Students Write Poems for Peace

Poems for Peace is a cultural exchange between youth worldwide.

The aim is for people to gain compassion for other ways of living and thinking and to transcend racial, religious, socioeconomic, physical and intellectual differences.

Participants are encouraged to contemplate the meaning of peace, where it abides, how it’s attained, how it’s destroyed and how as “peacemakers” they can contribute to world peace. The notion is that the poem is in the heart and can be expressed as a traditional poem, prayer, letter, story or illustration.

Dalit boy killed for writing poem to upper caste girl

In a recent example of India’s horrific caste system, a 16-year-old Dalit school boy died after he was thrashed almost unconscious in front of other students by an upper caste teacher for writing a poem to an upper caste girl. He was also beaten by family members of the girl the next day, found semi-conscious and taken to hospital where he later died. Local leaders have sought an inquiry into the incident as the police appear to be siding with the upper caste girl’s family and the teacher. ->> MeriNews | Read the Full Story