As you probably know, Buddha’s Smile School operates as a school for poor Dalit children. What you may not know is BSS also has 43 children who have progressed through BSS and now require individual support through their Government Primary and Middle schools years. These children are doing well and some, with your help, will more…
Jahida’s story
The amazing summary of this story is how an Indian Dalit girl, while forced to marry, is able to continue her schooling and reach her goal of becoming a nurse. Jahida has been attending Buddha’s Smile School since 2007. Like many before and after her she took it upon herself to visit BSS and ask more…
Dalit boy killed for writing poem to upper caste girl
In a recent example of India’s horrific caste system, a 16-year-old Dalit school boy died after he was thrashed almost unconscious in front of other students by an upper caste teacher for writing a poem to an upper caste girl. He was also beaten by family members of the girl the next day, found semi-conscious and taken to hospital where he later died. Local leaders have sought an inquiry into the incident as the police appear to be siding with the upper caste girl’s family and the teacher. ->> MeriNews | Read the Full Story