Our Supporters
We are tremendously grateful to the thousands of “Angels” across the world who have sustained Buddha’s Smile School over the years. Our current major sources of institutional support are:
Amistad International
Amistad International has been the primary supporter of BSS since 2005, thanks to several generous individual donors. Amistad serves impoverished people at the request of communities around the world. Their objective is to share knowledge and resources as they are needed and wanted. Based in the U.S., Amistad’s goal is to be in solidarity with developing communities, helping as they are able yet leaving as small a footprint as possible. For more info please visit www.amistadinternational.org.
Buddhas Smile School’s Venner
Buddha’s Smile School’s Venner (Friends of Buddha’s Smile School) is a Norwegian organization based in Etne (Organisasjonsnummer i Brønnøysund – Enhetsregisteret / Organization number is 992 775 203). Born out of an initiative to purchase a large van for student transportation, the organization now provides a daily nutritious meal for all 220 BSS students. Buddha’s Smile School’s Venner creates a strong bond between Etne, Norway and Sarnath, India and demonstrates that when people come together for a good cause, big things can happen.
Children of Asia
Children of Asia (COA) has worked in partnership with Buddha’s Smile School to finance Pankaj’s Dream Art Classes in honor of a BSS student who was brutally murdered for standing up to bullies. Since 2011, the team has visited BSS each summer and organized several learning projects. COA is an international solidarity project, based in both India and Nepal that was created six years ago by students of EUROMED Business School in Marseille, France.
Human Y Terre
10 bénévoles qui s’investissent plus de 1000 Heures par an avec un sens éthique aigu.
- Tous les dons sont acheminés en direct aux bénéficiaires sans intermédiaire.
- L’ensemble des déplacements est pris en charge par chacun des membres du bureau afin de minimiser les frais et de pérenniser la vie de l’association.
Notre Objectif
Réaliser des actions ponctuelles en faveur d’enfants et familles défavorisés dans notre Région, en France et dans le Monde entier. http://humanyterre.com/
Metta Child Foundation
Metta Child Foundation in Amsterdam (the Netherlands) supports the children of BSS since 2012/2013. They are a registered foundation, working with volunteers who visit the school every year. At the moment they are fundraising for different projects: renovation class rooms, new school bus and winter uniforms & school supplies.
More info: www.mettachild.nl.
The Phillips Family Education Foundation
The Phillips Family Education Foundation (PFEF)’s primary long-term goal for Buddha’s Smile School is to stabilize funding by creating a dedicated endowment. PFEF partners with existing education initiatives implementing practical, local solutions for underserved populations, primarily in developing countries. Based in Deming, New Mexico (USA), PFEF is not affiliated with any religion, political party, or government. pfef.org@gmail.com
The Shadhika Foundation
Since 2008, Shadhika has been a bedrock of support for Buddha’s Smile School graduates, providing several of them with generous scholarships to continue their education throughout middle and high school and receive the support that they need.The Shadhika Foundation is a non-profit, secular, and apolitical U.S.-based organization whose mission is to assist needy women and children in India by funding selected non-profit initiatives. For more information about them and their projects, please visit http://shadhika.org/.
Tibetan Education Action
Tibetan Education Action is a non-profit volunteer organization providing educational, medical and material assistance to rural Tibetan villagers. Programs incl. construction of a school and clinic inside Tibet, a child sponsorship program and volunteer expeditions to Tibet providing medical care, education and supplies. This year (2017) we have also begun support for Buddha’s Smile School.