Through your generosity Buddha’s Smile School (BSS) was able to support 80 middle school students this year — 40 girls and 40 boys — and we are pleased to announce all but two passed their end of year exams with good grades
“Our middle school scholarships provide students with free transportation to school, payment of school, computer and tuition fees, food, medical needs, uniforms plus cultural outings and activities,” Rajan Kaur, founder and director of BSS said. “Your support, is making a huge difference to all our children but especially to those who go on and achieve a higher education.”
Paro (left), joined BSS in 2004. As a girl, she hasn’t received much support from her father who works as a laborer. Paro’s father has drinking problems but fortunately for Paro, her mother who works as a beads locket maker, is a big supporter of her achieving an education.
“Paro’s mother comes often to BSS to discuss her daughter’s progress and continuing education,” said Rajan Kaur.
“I feel so privileged I can study,” Paro said. “I take my study seriously and work hard. I would like to become a nurse.” With a job, Paro will not only have a better life and be able to support herself, she will also be able to help her family.
Ravi (blue striped shirt) joined BSS in 2004. Both his parents encourage his education. Ravi’s two sisters also receive scholarships from BSS. Ravi’s father is a cycle rickshaw driver and his mother works as a cleaning lady. Ravi’s parents motivate all their children to study and are very positive about learning. Ravi used to work as a labor with his father, but nowadays he only needs to help his father when he falls sick.
With a good education these vibrant and talented children have a chance to break free of the cycle of abuse and poverty. If you are able to support their efforts please donate whatever you can. It costs about US$500 for a middle school student to attend school for a year.

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