Photos from Dana Kornberg

Dana Kornberg lives and works in New Delhi and spends occasional weekends in Sarnath at BSS. We just received this email from her:

Just a quick note to let you know that I am back from Sarnath. The weekend was too short, but everything went very well. Construction of the new classrooms will be complete in about 10 days from now, and the performance by the kids on Sunday was awesome! The kids were so thrilled to be dressed up and performing on stage, and once they were done, were just BEAMING with pride. I got completely choked up watching them. Daisy gave her first performance of Bharat Natyam and I have included some pictures so you can get a sense.

School was scheduled to start on the 15th, but will be pushed back 10 days so the construction will be finished. The older children start their new schools on the 15th (boys) and 16th (girls). Rajan will be going with them to school on the first day.


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