Vicky Bharti
Vicky Bharti – Vicky’s story is truly exceptional. When he first started coming to BSS he used to travel 12 kilometres by foot along with 3 other young children and one infant in hand. Although BSS wanted to provide transportation for these students, their village was far out of the way, and the expense was unreasonable for such a small number of children when the need was greater elsewhere. So, Rajan had to tell Vicky that since there was no transportation and the route too treacherous, she would have to give his admission to another student. On top of this, Vicky’s own mother discouraged him from going to school. But none of this deterred Vicky. For 3 months he continued coming by foot. Finally, BSS spoke with its funding agency and was able to send additional transportation to his village.
Today, at age 12, Vicky is as determined as ever and now comes to school everyday with 4 brothers. He says that his favorite subject in school is English because he knows that in contemporary India, English is very important for getting a job. He wants to continue his studies and focus more on English in order to get a job working on computers.
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